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Room 217 Homework Policy

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Why I Assign Homework:

Homework is essential part of your child’s education because it reinforces what has be learned in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons/activities, helps students to develop positive study habits, and teaches students responsibility and organization.

When I Assign Homework:

Homework will be assigned 3-4 nights a week and will be recorded in your child’s Student Planner.  All of the assignments should not take any more than 45 minutes to 1 hour. When there is a test to study for or a project to complete the estimated length of time for homework will increase.  Students will have at least one week’s notice to study for upcoming tests. Timelines will be given for students to follow during all projects so nothing is left to the last minute.

Students’ Homework Responsibilities:

If any of the expectations are not met, students will redo the homework that night. It will be up to the student to remember to hand the late homework to me when it is completed. I will not track the assignment down. 

Teacher’s Homework Responsibilities:

Homework will be checked everyday in a variety of ways.  I may choose to check homework as a class, check work in partners or small groups, or I may collect it to correct it myself.  I will give students encouragement and offer helpful feedback in regards to homework.  I will always make myself available to help students one on one if any assistance is required.

 Parents’ Homework Responsibilities:

Parents play an important role in making homework a positive experience for their children.  The ways that you can support this positive experience are by making homework a priority, providing necessary supplies and a quiet work place, setting a daily homework time, giving praise and support, and not letting children avoid homework.  Please contact me right away if you notice any issues or problems.  If for some reason your child was unable to complete his/her homework, please send a note in their planner that morning.

Opportunities Room:

In an attempt to increase our students’ success levels, we have initiated an “Opportunities Room” in our school.  It is open from 2:45-3:15 Monday through Thursday and provides students with the chance to complete homework assignments or any overdue work.  The room is supervised by teachers and support staff who are there to lend a hand when students have questions.  If you would like your child to attend the Opportunities Room on a regular basis, please fill out the form below indicating the night(s) you would like your child to attend, and how he/she will be getting home.

If Students Do Not Complete Homework:

If students choose not to do homework, I will talk with them to make sure that they understood the assignment.  They will then need to complete the assignment that night and turn it in the next day. If the problem continues, I will require students to stay in for recess. While I do not like to hold students in for recess, I will do so if the student repeatedly does not complete their work. I will contact parents to discuss possible solutions if the problem becomes consistent.

Please read and discuss this homework policy with your child. Please sign and return the portion below.

If you have any questions, please let me know and thank you for your support in advance.

                                                                  Thank you!                                                                                                                           Mrs. Gilligan

____ I have read this homework policy and discussed it with my child.

____ I would like to meet with you to discuss this policy.

____ I would like my child to attend the Opportunities Room on _______________________  nights.  He or she will be walking home/picked up at 3:15.        

Parent’s Signature     ________________    Student’s Signature___________________

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