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Learning Centres


I love learning centers. I believe that they engage students and teach them important work habits. Learning centers provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate what they can do, all the while allowing the teacher the time to circulate, work in small groups or one on one conferencing.  I am a very unorganized person, so learning centers were hard for me to arrange at first, but once I got them up and running, they organized my day for me!

I have the following centers in my room:


Listening – our school has a subscription to so students can go online and listen to books, poems, etc.


Reader Response – Students use this center to work quietly on their reading responses


Word Play- At this center, students can complete various activities from pre-fixes to idioms.


Poetry – Students work through this station creating different types of poetry (limerick, haiku, tanka etc.) They create an anthology of their own poetry and read it to the class as a read aloud.


Writing BINGO – Each student has a BINGO card with different writing activities on it (proposal, advertisement, comic strip, poem etc.) They have to complete one line each term.


Editing Station – This is where students go to proofread and edit work.


Computers – Various activities are completed here.


Sample Learning Center (Grade 11 Academic English)


Commitment to Students and Student Learning Home